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Collaboration with Canada


  Collaboration with Canada

  Canada is the most important donor of CCICED. The Canadian Government has actively provided personnel and financial support to CCICED since its establishment.


  The Canadian Government provided financial support to CCICED through Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). A total of USD 3,400, 000 has been offered for Phase I, CAD 6,900,000 for Phase II, CAD 8,000,000 for Phase III, and CAD 6,950,000 for Phase IV.


  Presidents of CIDA served as CCICED members:

  Dr. Marcel Massé served as the member of Phase I (1992-1993); Dr. Huguette Labelle served as the Vice Chairperson of Phase I and II (1994-1999), Dr. Leonard Good served as the Vice Chairperson of Phase II and III (2000-2002); Mr. Paul Thibault served as the Executive Vice Chairperson of Phase III (2003-2004); Mr. Robert Greenhill served as the Executive Vice Chairperson of Phase III and IV (2005-2007), Ms. Margaret Biggs serves as the Executive Vice Chairperson of Phase IV since 2008.

  Ms. Sylvia Ostrey, Director of University of Toronto's Munk Centre for International Studies, served as the member of Phase I (1992);

  Dr. Art Hanson, President of International Institute of Sustainable Development, served as the member of Phase I and II (1994-2000);

  Dr. Art Hanson, Former President of International Institute of Sustainable Development, served as the member of CCICED from Phase II to Phase IV (2001-now), and the International Lead Expert of Phase III and the International Chief Advisor of Phase VI;

  Mr. Hau-Sing Tse, Senior Vice President of CIDA, serves as the member of Phase IV.

  3.Policy Research Experts

  Mr. David Runnalls, Senior Fellow of Trade and Investment, International Institute for Sustainable Development, served as the Co-chair of the Working Group on Trade and Environment (1995-1996);

  Mr. David Runnalls, Senior Fellow of Trade and Investment, President of International Institute for Sustainable Development, served as the Co-chair of the Working Group on Trade and Environment (1997-2001);

  Mr. Bernard H. Sonntag, Director General, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, served as the Co-chair of the Working Group on Sustainable Agriculture (1997-2001);

  Mr. David Runnalls, President of International Institute for Sustainable Development, served as the Co-chair of the Task Force on WTO and Environment (2003-2004);

  Mr. Bernard H. Sonntag, Director General, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, served as the Co-chair of Task Force on Policy Options for Agriculture and Rural Development in China (2003-2004);

  Mr. David Strangway, Honorary President of Quest University, served as the Co-chair of the Task Force on Innovation and Environment-Friendly Society (2007-2008);

  Mr. Mark Jaccard, Professor of Simon-Fraser University, served as the Co-chair of the Task Force on Sustainable Use of Coal: Strategy and Policy (2008-2009);

  Mr. Peter Harrison, Professor of Queen’s University, Canada, served as the Co-chair of the Task Force on Ecosystem Issues and Policy Options Addressing Sustainable Development of China’s Ocean and Coast (2009-2010);

  Mr. Wit A. Siemienuik, Vice President of AMEC Inc., served as the member of the Special Policy Study for Developing Policies for Soil Environmental Protection in China (2010);

  Mr. David Runnalls, Former President of International Institute for Sustainable Development, serves as the member of the Task Force on Investment, Trade and Environment (2010-2011);

  Mr. Simon adek, Senior Researcher of International Institute for Sustainable Development, serves as the member of the Task Force on Investment, Trade and Environment (2010-2011);

  Mr. Laslo Pinter, Researcher of International Institute for Sustainable Development, serves as the member of the Task Force on China Environment and Development Outlook Feasibility Study (2010-2011);

  Mr. David Strangway, Professor of Quest University, serves as the member of the Task Force on Low Carbon Industrialiation Strategy (2010-2011);

  Dr. Barry Stemshorn, Research fellow with University of Ottawa, Former Official of Environment Canada, serves as Co-chair of the Special Policy Study on Mercury Management in China (2011).

  4.Personnel Support

  The Canadian side set up the Secretariat International Supporting Office (SISO), which based in Simon Fraser University, since the establishment of CCICED in 1992. Professional staffs have provided strong support to the CCICED secretariat.


  Canadian International Development Agency


  The Secretariat International Supporting Office



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