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Strategy and Policy Study of Its Conservation, Sustainable Use (1992)





  Biodiversity conservation constitutes a principal part of environmental issues f or its great importance and urgency. As one of the countries rich in biodiversity in the world, China is, however, facing with increasingly great pressures of population and development. To scientifically regulate the relationship between conservation, sustainable use and development is therefor not only the need of long-term development of the state, but also a great contribution to the world.

  The working group was hence established, under direct leadership of the Council and with support and cooperation with governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations and experts, to conduct researches on national status and development within this discipline, and submit to the Council proposals of status reports, strategies and action plans of various projects extensive and effective cooperation between China and the international community, thus contributing to conservation of biodiversity of China and the world.


  3.1 Functions and Responsibilities

  3.1.1 Functions

  The working group shall under the direction of the Council seek cooperation of related government agencies, international organizations and scientific institutions and through cooperation operate research on proposed projects; analyze and review the data and information of the finalized research; and made recommendations on strategies and actions concerning biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

  3.1.2 Responsibilities

  The responsibilities of the head of the working group are to organize and coordinate its members to operate projects and research work assigned or already approved by the Council; to report to the Council the undertaking of group's work; to submit to the Council report and proposals from the project conducted for the Council discussion.

  The responsibilities of members of the working group is to complete projects assigned by the working group within designated periods of time, and submit report proposal.

  3.2 Proposed Projects

  3.2.1 Economic activities and development versus biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

  To survey and evaluate the effects and status of local economic development and human activities to biodiversity within selected representative areas (including natural reserves), make up strategies for correct relationship between development and conservation.

  3.2.2 Promote the establishment of biodiversity survey and inventory system and database network.

  Evaluate present database and information, make recommendations on strategies and actions to improve and perfect the system and network.

  3.2.3 Assess the criteria to determine important areas, groups and priority for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use, and provide guidelines for making up biodiversity conservation action plans.

  3.2.4 To survey and evaluate the status of biological resources utilization, and make recommendations for sustainable use of biological resources.

  The project intends to include the history and status, especially status and problems of legal and illegal trade of various biological resources utilization, an d make recommendations on criteria for sustainable use of wild species and appropriate strategies and actions.

  3.2.5 The survival of endangered status of important species groups.

  It includes comments on distribution, estimates of population and causes of alteration and major threats, current conservation measures and their enforcement, as well as proposed conservation strategies and actions. And to make up conservation action plans of priority in important groups.

  3.2.6 To evaluate the scientific and rational planning and designing of current in situ conservation system (natural reserves), and determine hot spots, and make up strategies and recommendations to improve various natural reserve networks and their management.

  3.2.7 To evaluate the planning and functioning of current ex situ conservation facilities, and make recommendations on strategies and actions to strengthen and improve the system in line with state's needs.

  3.2.8 To evaluate current legal instruments and their enforcement concerning bio diversity conservation and sustainable use, and make recommendations on strategies and actions to improve legislature and strengthen enforcement.

  3.2.9 To evaluate the facilities and quality of current scientific institutions, researchers, training and education concerning biodiversity, and make recommend actions on measures to improve and strengthen in the next ten years based on the predictions of needs of management, scientific research and education of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

  3.2.10 To co-organize biodiversity seminars or training courses through exchange and cooperation with international organizations and agencies, and promote and coordinate the implementation of specific cooperative projects.

  Topics of seminars or training courses are as follows:

  (1) inventory of biodiversity

  (2) computerization in specimen management

  (3) trade monitoring and quota making for rational harvest and export of CITES Appendix Ⅱ species

  (4) guidelines for determining species endangerment status

  (5) designing and management of natural reserves

  (6) establishment of gene bank and preservation techniques of genetic materials

  (7) ecosystem monitoring and key species

  (8) analysis of population viability

  (9) establishment of studbooks and computer management of captive animals

  (10) restoration and re-establishment of changed ecosystems and their species diversity

  3.3 Agencies and Organizations to Be Cooperated in China

  National Environment Agency, Chinese Academy of Sciences, colleges and universities and their subdivided institutions, State Science and Technology Commission and its subdivided institutions, government agencies in charge of agriculture, forestry, sea construction, law, trade, planning, etc., China Association for Science and Technology and its subdivided related societies.

  3.3.1 Relations to technical agencies

  ……, to get guidance, cooperation from them.


  …… part of reports and proceedings will be officially published after approved by the Council.


  …… Estimate of funds needed amount to US$400,000.

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