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Working Report by the Monitoring, Data and Information Collecting Experts Working Group (1994)


  Summary Report

  I. Activities

  * After Hangzhou meeting, by focusing on the suggestion of adding "The project o n relevant demonstration models on pollutants and pollute sources in urban atmos phere" put forward by the councilors, the expert group made it clear that the ba sic idea of the four sub-projects are to est up the foundation for the cooperati ve development of economy and environment in China. Monitoring is the bais of en vironmental protection work, monitoring and data collection are the subject of t he project, which is to start the research work by concentrating on centralizati on, unification and standardization on China's environmental monitoring system, decision and supporting system of regional environmental pollution control, Chin a's sustainable development index system and etc.. The sub-projects will coopera te wich each other and strengthen the cooperation with the pollution control exp ert working group.

  * From Dec. 21 to 26, 1993, the second expert working group meeting was held in the Netherlands, with the enthusiastic help and arrangement of the Dutch Governm ent. During the meeting, the experts visited the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Plan ning and Environment, Research Institute of Public Health and Environmental Prot ection, exchanged research experience on environmental planning, law enforcement , technical transmittion, recycling use of underground water, global climate cha nge forecasting, solid waste filling, and etc.. The working plan of 1994 to 1995 was passed in this meeting.

  * From May 24 to 28, 1994, the co-chairman meeting and the third expert working group meeting were held in Guangzhou, which were greatly supported by Guangzhou EPB and some relevant research institutes. In this meeting, the following report s were given by the persons in charge of each sub-projects and discussed and rec ommended by the experts:" The setting up of environmental monitoring network and environmental state of 1993 in Guangzhou", " Framework of decision-supporting s ystem of environment and development in Huhehaote City", "Research on forecastin g modeling of "Research on relating model demonstration of atmospheric SO2 pollu tion and pollute sources in Shenyang City". The experts exchanged ideas on monit oring methods, training plan and next-step working plan.

  II. Proceedings and results of each sub-project researches

  1. The research on perfect distribution desigen for China's environmental monito ring net work is directly organized by the monitoring department of NEPA, and ha s got the following progress:

  1) did sampling investigation on more than 10 different types of monitoring stat ions for the present situation of China's environmental monitoring network;

  2) based on years of researches, optimized 200 monitoring stations from the exsi sting 2172 environmental monitoring stations over China to set up national quali ty network which has been put into practice, in among, the optimatic authenticat ion is carried out for atmosheric monitoring network and surface water monitorin g network by using the way of practical network measurement for the purpose to d o further review on the efficiency of the network which reflects environmental q uality in national range;

  3) did overall check on the works of laboratories of provincial, municiple and c ounty environmental monitoring stations over China.

  "the set up of monitoring network and report on 1993 environmental quality in gu angzhou City" (draft) was exchanged in the third expert working group meeting.

  2. In the aspect of research on relating model demonstration of atmospheric poll utants and pollute sources, two working plans were submitted and passed in the t hrid expert working group meeting: "research on forecasting model demonstration of vehicle pollution and control" and "research on relating model demonstration of atmospheric pollutants and pollute sources in Shenyang City". This sub-projec t is planned to study the relevant relationship between regional regular sources emission control and environmental quality forecasting, and the relationship be tween regional unfixed sources emission control and environmental quality foreca sting. The technical way to be used is planned to borrow and amend the successfu l models from outside China and in the meantime cooperate wich the study of poll ution control expert working group.

  Besides, Chinese experts has exchanged ideas many times with Dr. Si Duk Lee on t he training program for the demonstration on air pollution monitoring sampling a nd analyzing, and planned to do a demonstration training this year, which would play an important role in raising the monitoring technological level of China's air monitoring network and improving the quality of monitoring data.

  3. The development of the decision support system for the coordinative developme nt between urban environment and energy in Huhehaote City

  Investigation on this city's pollution sources such as water, air, solid waste, city refuse, hospital waste, manure, etc. has been done.

  Through the investigation, the important environmental parameters of the city ar e clear; the emission amount of the city waste water which was not clear for man y years is defined; the model of atmospheric environmental quality and relative computer softwares are set up; the city's urban rubbish and average increasing r ate during the "seventh five year plan" is delimited as 4% for the first time. A nd based on this investigation, the forecasting for the emission amount of the c ity from the year 2000 to 2010 has been done; a large number of reserving progra ms for pollution control has been made, including 362 sets for point-source, 46 sets for area-source, 33 sets for centralized treatment, 75 sets for decentraliz ed treatment, 23 sets for macro-control, using large scale mixed integer linear planning model to simulate complex environmental and energy problems. At last, t he coordinative developing plan for urban environment and energy in Huhehaote Ci ty and the capital demanding amount for different programs and relating financia l economical stimulating measurements are put forward. These results supply Huhe haote City practical and scientific basis for the city's important environmental management decision. This work has combined water, air and residue the three en vironmental elements of the city organically, calculated quantitatively by using actual data and as a result proved the relativities among different environment al elements.

  4. Study on China's sustainable development index system

  According to the eight rules of "index system" design of insisting sustainable d evelopment strategy, developing largely environmental industry, applying environ mental accounting into national economic index system the "index system", depend ing on different sectors, is designed in structure as the following three index series: environmental pollution prevention, natural resources and ecosystem, and in hierarchy as the following three levels: high-level economic nd social synth etic analyzing and evaluating index, mid-level environmental analyzing and evalu ating index, low-level mesasurable described index. The research proceedings tak e the following principals: first integrating and amount and dynamic changing ra te index. The research stressed on environmental value index and its quantitativ e methodology. The environmental value index includes environmental pollution lo ss, environmental capital assessment, cos-benefit of environmental protection me asurements, input and output analysis of environmental industry, tangible resour ces price and intangible ecological value, and etc.. The basic pricing method an d formula for calculating environmental quality value, resources value and ecolo gical value are put forward. In May of 1994, the preliminary research report (wi th put forward. In May of 1994, the preliminary research report (with Chinese an d English versions and about 60,000 words) was finished. Panyu City of Guangdong Province was chosen as demonstration site and cooperative agreement was signed. This report was highly praised by the experts in third expert working group mee ting and was recognized as a very new research result at present. This research is of value in theory and practice and of great significance for realizing harmo nious development between environment and economy.

  III. Following working plan

  I. In the research on optimum design for China's environmental monitoring networ k, the "Summary report on setting up of Guangzhou environmental monitoring netwo rk and environmental quality" will be put out at the end of 1994. And it is plan ed to finish optimum prove for air and surface water system monitoring sites in Guangzhou City, to complete the check on the management and quality of different types of networks at the end of 1994; up to the mid of 1995, the report about p resent situation analysis and improving suggestions for China's environmental mo nitoring network will be finished; the final report on the optimum design for Ch ina's environmental monitoring network.

  2. In the research on relevant model demonstration of urban air pollutants and e mission sources, it is planned to submit three sub-reports at the end of 1994: " air SO2 pollution level and tendency in Shenyang City", "SO2 pollution situatio n under typical meteorological condition in Shenyang City" and " present emissio n of SO2 emission sources in Shenyang City". In 1995, the two sub-reports of " r elevant model of air SO2 pollution and emission sources in Shenyang City" and "r esearch on SO2 pollution forecasting in Shenyang City" will be submitted. In 199 6, the final report will be finished.

  The research on the forecasting model of vehicle pollution and control in Guangz hou City is planned to finish earlier stage preparation in 1994, to set up model in 1995, and submit summary repor at the end of 1995.

  3. To start urban environmental decision supporting system

  The research on building up decision supporting system for construction of provi ncial environmental information system include:

  1) analysis on over the years monitoring statistic data of 27 provinces and citi es, present environmental situation and environmental impact assessment;

  2) choose a province as a case to try decision supporting system of pollutants r eduction distribution and the decision supporting system for harmonious developm ent of environment and economy.

  4. Research on China's sustainable development index system

  Case studies are planed. At present, a contract is signed by Panyu City of Guang dong Province, which is to inroduce the idea, framework and methodoloy of enviro nmental index system, to collect relative data of the city in the third season o f 1994, to finish research report at the end of 1994, to be reviewed and revised by the experts in the first season of 1995, and submit the English version to C CICED in the second season.

  According to the activities and by the limitation of expense of the expert worki ng group, it is thought that it is better to hold the expert working group meeti ng once a year (in China or outside China), the participants may include the per sons in carge of each sub-project and the coordinators, the duration can be long er, so that it is beneficial for exchanging ideas and discussing and the expense is easily to be proved.

  IV. Recommendations to NEPA

  1. To complete monitoring network, enlarge environmental information collection, start ecological monitoring

  At present, in China, a harmonious network system from high level to the grass r oot with optimum distribution has not been built up in beteen of NEPA, sections of industry, agriculture, healthy and ect.. It is specially pointed out that at present China's environmental monitoring network is still limited in the range o f environmental pollution monitoring. It is necessary to start ecological monito ring without hesitation, and build up national environmental ecological monitori ng network by optimum distribution with existing pollution monitoring network, s tart ecological monitoring so as to provide scientific basis for China to start ecological monitoring so as to provide scientific basis for China to start ecolo gical regional planning.

  In the collection of environmental information, it is not only to collect natura l enivronmental monitoring information, but also to consider the information of social environment, city construction, living environment, human health and ect. . This is a very important basework to the future comprehensive administration o n regional environment and the harmonious development of China's economy and env ironment.

  2. To strengthen the deep dealing of environmental information, supply all kinds of technical supports to macro-management decision

  It is suggested to strengthen the deep dealing of environmental information, sta rt research on different models, improve forecasting and planning ability, speed up the development of provincial and municiple environmental information system and gradually accumulate a set of regional, provincial, national and global mod els for environmental decision so as to supply scientific basis for comprehensiv e pollution prevention in different regions. The research on transmittion of env ironmental pollutants should be carried out on the basis scientific project of t he national eighth five years plan.

  3. To strengthen the exchange of environmental information for the purpose of in formation share

  The amount of environmental information is large and wide spread. At present env ironmental nformation are separately concentrated in each section. On one hand, it is difficult to exchange and has to pay for data; on the other hand, the repe tition and overlapping influence the development of environmental protection. It is suggested that NEPA will try to change the situatin. It is necessary to orga nize a full-time office under the leadership of the Environmental Protection Com mission of the National Council to regulate such work. From the angle of policy it should be provided that enough expense should be given to the monitoring unit s of social public welfare by the government so as to provide that one unit coul d finish monitoring task on time and supply service to society without charge. F rom the angle of law related regulations and articles should be given out to pro mote environmental information share and the completion of monitoring task.

  4. To strengthen the research on environmental monitoring techology and methodol ogy

  To realize the standardization, form of network, succession and automation of en vironmental monitoring in China, it is necessary to enhance the study on environ mental monitoring technology. In the past years, about 600,000 RMB were put into such study each year. It is suggested that from now on this kind of studied as imprtant and long-term scientific research should be brought into line with the three terms of scientific fee of SSTC, and be included in national important pro jects.

  5. To strengthen the training for environmental monitoring technicians

  Up to now, environmental monitoring network has begun to take shape with 75,000 technicians. The key to prove and improve the quality of environmental monitorin g is to improve the quality of monitoring technicians. To train the existing mon itoring team is the facing work. The training program put forward by the experts is a good start to finish this sub-project.

  6. It is suggested to exhange the results from each sub-project in related depar tments and sections of NEPA quickly through the ways of public reports, bulletin s, publications and etc., so as to make the results beneficial and get more supp orts.

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