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Speech at the Inaugural Meeting of CCICED by Wu Xueqian


  Vice-Premier of ChinaRespected members, guests, ladies and gentlemen:

  First of all, on behalf of the Chinese Government, I would like to express my warm congratulations to the establishment of the China Council for International Coperation on Environment and Development.

  The Chinese Government has approved the establishment of the Council in order to better implement the opening policy and to further strengthen cooperation and exchange between China and the International Community in the field of environment and development. The Chinese Government would very much like to listen to all the constructive suggestions and recommendations put forward by the experts of the Council on these issues. Your experience and wisdom will benefit the improvement of environmental and developmental work in China.

  The establishment of the Council is a result of the joint efforts of both Chinese and international personages. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks, once again, to all the experts who have come from afar and who have shown great concern for China's undertakings in environmental protection. At the same time, I would also like to thank the Canadian Government, the international organizations, governments concerned, non-governmental organizations, enterprises and people concerned who have provided financial resources and various kinds of help for the establishment and successful launching of the Council.

  We have great expectations for the Council's work in the future. The Chinese Government has nominated Dr. Song Jian as the first chairman of the Council. Dr. Song Jian is a well-known scientist in China and also a member of the Chinese Academy of Science. He has attained great achievements in system control research and enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad. At present, he is in charge of science and technology in the Chinese Government and concurrently works as the Chairman of the Environmental Protection Commission of the State Council. I propose that we express our agreement on his nomination by acclamation. I believe that with his rich knowledge and outstanding talents, Mr. Song Jian is sure to exercise an effective leadership over the Council.

  At this meeting, we are also going to elect vice-Chairman who will form the Council's leading core. This nucleus, made up by Chinese and international personages, will definitely play an positive role in the work of the Council.

  China is a developing country with a large population and a vast territory. In t he process of our economic development, we have come to an increasingly deepened understating regarding environmental issues and perils. Economic construction is underway, we must pay great attention to the rational development of natural re sources in order that the environment we depend on for our survival can be protected and a harmonious development between society, economy and environment can be achieved.

  Presently, reform in China is in the process of gradually deepening. Readjusting the economic structure and changing the traditional and extensive patterns of production management will help to improve the utilization of resources and the quality of the environment. Success in China's environmental protection efforts will in turn contribute to global environmental protection.

  Ladies and gentlemen, not only China, but also the international community as a whole, faces arduous tasks in the field of environment and development, and there is still a lot to do. We believe that we can achieve fruitful results and realize sustainable development as long as all countries in the world adhere to the spirit of sincere cooperation.

  Finally, I wish the Council and the work of the Council a great success. I also wish all the members, ladies an gentlemen a pleasant stay in Beijing and good health.

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