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Speech at the Closing Ceremony by Gu Ming


  Mr. Chairman, Friends and comrades,

  We have conducted heated and efficient discussions on the past few days on some of the key issues concerning China's environment and development. Members have offered their broad knowledge and deep insight. The reports by the 6 Expert Working Groups have provided us with sufficient and powerful arguments and materials, and original analytical conclusions. All this reflects the enthusiasm shown by m embers and experts, and demonstrates the hard work involved. For the Chinese Government, this is a resource of great value.

  Many members have mentioned in their presentations and interruptions that China is now experiencing rapid growth and deepened reform and that, in order to handle properly the relationship between environment and development, China needs not only forceful governmental management, but also extensive appreciation and active participation of the society and public.

  I fully agree with them, because environmental and developmental problems are produced by the society and will affect it in return. Without conscientious action of the whole society, effective management might find it difficult to be realized even if the government makes enormous effort. On the other hand, once the society and public go into action, the management from the government side would have redoubled effect and get twice the result with half the effort. To integrate environment and development is, after all, beneficial for the people themselves. The society has great potential for managing, protecting and improving the environment.

  We, in China, are now gradually expanding ways for the participation of social organizations and individuals in environmental and developmental activities. To respect and protect the right of the public for their participation has become a basic principle when we make environmental protection laws and draw up relevant policies. Doubtlessly, as long as Chinas goes for "development, reform and stability", we would continuously promote public participation in this field and try t o make it a basic moral standard and code for behaviour for all try to make it a basic moral standard and code for behaviour for all people and organizations in the country. In this connection, it is of a greater necessity for China to sincerely study and learn from other countries their experience.

  As Vice-Chairman of the Council, I would like to express my thanks once again to every member and expert of the Council for your hard work and sincere cooperation. I am confident that our effort here will produce positive, beneficial and important impact.

  Thank you.

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