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Report on the Cooperation between Jilin Provincial Government and CCICED

1998-11-16author:Prof.Shuying Liusource:

  Respected Chaerperson,Members,Ladies and Gentlemen,

  It is my great pleasure to attend the CCICED Conference as a specially invited r epresentative once again. I would like to take this opportunity to give a speech on the cooperation between Jilin Provincial Government and CCICED, and especial ly the close ties established with the Working Group on Energy Strategy and Tech nology since the Shanghai cnferenc in 1996. The following is the draft report.


  Jilin Province is located in the middle of Northeast China, covering an area of 187.4 thousand km2, with population of 26 million. Since 1950, Jilin Province h as been one of the heavy industrial bases in China, with automobiles and petro - - chemicals being the two pillar industries, while pharmaceuticals, electronics, food processing and so forth are becoming its new and fast developing industrie s. Education, science, technology, and other knowledge -- based industries have a sound basis and are developing quickly. The Province is also know for its cnsi derably advanced level of research in optics, applied chemistry, and bio - engin eering etc., which play an important role in our country.

  The geographical features of Jilin Province are quite varied. The Province is ri ch in natural resources, such as forests, hydropower, mineral products, and agri cultural specialties. The world faous Changbai mountain region in the east is we ll known as the climate protective screen of Northeast Asia and the genetic data base of bio - diversify; the Keerqin Grass Lands in the west are an important we t land protective region within China and provides rich natural resources favora nble for animal husbandry; the fertile Songliao Plain in the middle is the famou s "Com Belt" of the world, and is an important commercial grain base in our coun try. The total grain yield has stabilized around 20 million tons in recent years .

  All in all, Jilin Province is richly endowed by nature with a diversified eco - environment. It is our inevitable duty to protect this eco - environent, save en ergy, and realize sustainabledevelopment.


  I was kindly invited to attend the fifth conference of CCICED held in Shanghai i n September 1996. Since this cnference, Jilin Province has mantained frequent co ntacts with CCICED, and has built a strong and cooperative relationship with the Working Group on Energy Strategy and Technology. At our invitation, the working group held meetings in Changchun twice, and in return, we were invited to atten d several meetings of the working group. The relationship is thus enhanced throu gh such cooperative activities. We have discussed with the committee members the situation concerning sustanable energy development and utilization in Jilin Pro vince, and have achieved concrete cooperation on the following fields:

  2.1 Project (1) Using Wind Energy to Produce Electricity

  It is very important to make full use of valuable wind resources to improve the lives of the people in the region. The project to use wind energy to produce ele ctricity was well discussed at the meeting held in Beijing in January 1997. The experts concerned came to Tongyu to carry out on site inspections after the conf erence. The project is now operational.

  2.2 Project (2) The Changchun High - Speed Rail Transportation System

  With the development of the economy and the increase in population, the number o f automobiles increases very quickly in Changchun. As a result, the problem of t raffic congestion is getting worse, and the air pollution caused by vehicleemiss ions is becoming serious. It is the urgent task to achieve clean transportation to protect the urban environment. High - speed rail transportation was fully dis cussed at the working group meeting in Changchun in June 1996. With the support of the Jones Foundation, Changchun municipality sent a delegation to the USA and Brazil to conduct an investigation, and invited biddng in May 1998. The proposa l and the feasibility report of the project have been sent to the State Planning Committee for approval, and the exploration and design of the project have been implemented.

  2.3 Project (3) Energy - saving Construction in Changchun City

  Winter in northeastern China is long and cold. As a result, cncerns focussing on the problems of current heating methods and energy saving issues are quite pres sing. The priority of energy - saving construction was fully discussed at the wo rking group meeting on energy strategy and technology held in Changchun in June 1996, and financial support was applied for.

  2.4 Project (4) Biomass Development and Utilization

  The possbility of dveloping and utilizing biomass n Jilin Province was discussed at the Energy Strategy and Technology Working Group Meeting held n Changchun in January 1998. The People's Government of Jilin Province and princeton Universit y of the USA jointly put forward the demonstration project to set up biomass dev elopments in the rural areas of Jilin province and have submitted an application to the Jones Foundation for financial support. The demonstration project has be en started. The details are as follows:

  Jilin Province is an agricultural province. The annual total yield of crop straw is about 41.5 million tons, among which 35 million tons are maize straw. The pr esent status of biomass utilization in Jilin is as follows. A large amount of bi omass is used as fuel. The heat value from this use is low, and results in serio us air pollution. This has been bad enough at times to result in the closure of roads and airports. The rest of the biomass is used as fodder, manure, and raw m aterials for processing and weaving. jilin Provnce has great potential to develo p and utilize the biomass resources, especially the maize straw resources. The y early exploitable production of maize straw is 38 million tons, which is equival ent to 15 million tons of standard coal. We plan, as a first step, to gasify the straw, that is, to transfer the biomass into chermical energy. The second step we plan is to transfer the chemical energy of the ciomass into electricity by ap plying new high technology.

  It is very important to cooperate with foreign countries to rationally develop a nd utilize rural biomass energy. This will facilitate the rural economy, decreas e pollution, improve the eco - environment, andachieve the modernization of rura l living standards. With the development of the provincial economy and the impro vement in the people's living standards, a better - off peasantry will be more a nxious to change the traditional polluting and dusty cooking and heating methods , and to improve their living quality. The best inexpensive method is to change the current main rural fuel (maize straw) into high quality energy, and thus tra nsform the rural fuel structure. The gasification of crop straw can also decreas e the hidden dangers of fire and pests, and improve the rural living standard, w hich is beneficial to the health of the peasants. Thus, the development and util ization of biomass not only has economic and environmental benefits, but it has social benefits as well It is the "Bright Career" to brng benefits to the peasan ts. This biomass gasified gas can also substitute for the coal currently used by some of the farmers, and will decrease the output of C02 and SO2 burning fossil fuels.

  There are three Demonstration Sites built or being built at present.

  Site A: Shijiabao Rural Demonstration Site of Lishu City:

  Jilin Provnce Energy Resources Research Institute set up a crop straw gasificati on demonstration site in Shijiabao County, Lishu city in the first half of 1998, which can supply gasified gas for cooking and beating to 50 households. It is o perating smoothly now. Transportation in Shijiabao is quite convenient, the scal e of the village is suitable, and the living standard of the inhabitants is bett er. There is 350 mu of arable land in the village; the total yield of crop straw is 700 tons, among which 560 tons are maize straw. It is estimated that the dem onstration site can supply 415.6 thousand m3 of gasified gas, with a yearly cons umption of maize straw amounting to 207.75 tons.

  Site B: The Township Demonstration Site of Taobei District of Baicheng City:

  Another Demonstration Project was built in Taobei District by the Jilin Provinci al Environment Protection Bureau, the construction was undertaken by Hecheng Met hane Company Ltd. of Baicheng City. The first stage of the project was put into operation in July 1998. The project adopts the technology of dry distillation at high termperature, and gas purification. The demonstration project can supply 8 80 thousand m3 of gas, 660 tons of charcal, and 73 tons of tar. The yearly consu mption of biormass is 3,500 tons. The gasified gas can meet the cooking and heat ing requirements of 2,500 households, with 8,000 inhabitants.

  Site C: The Demonstration Site to be built in Baxian Village of Taobei District of Baicheng City:

  Baxian Village is a new village designed and built for the victims of this year' s flood. The households of the village are concentrated and standardized. It is quite suitable for developing biomass utilization technology. The feasibility st udy for the project has been carried out, and funds are being collected.

  In order to enhance the development and utilization of the maize crop resources, to facilitate the rural economy, to improve rural living quality, and to achiev e sustanable development of rural economy, to improve rural living quality, and to achieve sustainable development of rural energy consumption, Jilin Province w ill be more active in attracting foreign funds, increasing the investment in sci ence and technology, carrying out comprehensive biomass energy utiliation, and d rawing up appropriate support policies. We anticipate receivng support for techn ological developing, staff traning, and equipment imports, etc. from CCICED and the Working Group on Energy Strategy and Technology, so as to facilitate the dev elopment pace of biomass utilization in Jilin Provnce, and improve the comprehen sive biomass energy utilization level.


  Jilin Provincial Government and CCICED, especially The Working Group on Energy S trategy and Technology, have been in fruitful cooperation for two years. The Sta te Environmental Protection Bureau and the Secretary Office of CCICED pay close attention to the cooperation between Jilin Provincial Government and CCICED. Mr. Xie Zhenhua, Director of the State Environmental Protection Bureau, is quite co ncerned about the cooperation, and gives instructions. The leaders and experts o f the working group, Dr. Johansson, Yang Jike, Ni Weidou, and Mr. Williams have been to Jilin Province several times to give instructions, investigate the proje ct design and present constructive opinions. The industrious work of these exper ts has built a sound scientific foundation to carry out effective cooperation. H ere on behalf of the government of Jilin Provnce, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to leaders of CCICED and the experts who have made to express my heartfe lt thanks to leaders of CCICED and the experts who have made great contributions to the protection of environment and development of Jilin Province.

  The cooperation between Jilin Provincial Government and CCICED has promoted the friendship between the local government and the experts both at home and abroad. Our thought has been enlightened, our field of view has been broadened, and our ideas on carrying out international cooperation according to the provncial situ ation have been charified. At the turn of the century, we are facing a great opp ortunity to develop our province. This also means that the cooperation with CCIC ED has a broad future. I sincerely hope that the scope of cooperative actions be tween Jilin Provincial Government and CCICED will be broadened, and the level of cooperation will be enhanced. Let us work together to protect our natural world for future generations and ourselves.

  Thank you.

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