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Speech at the Opening Ceremony(Robert Greenhill)


  Vice Premier Zeng, Minister Zhou, Colleague and Friends,


  It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the final meeting of the 3rd Phase of the China Council. This is a momentous meeting, and which we will conclude the 3rd Phase of CCICED, looking back at 15 years of valuable work, and also looking forward to even more valuable work in the future.


  As we all know, and as we just turned, China faces tremendous challenges in balancing rapid economic development, social development and environmental management. But I think we are all very impressed at the prospective innovation put forward by the Chinese leadership in what they hope will be achieved to the 11th Five-Year Plan in the specific objectives that were reiterated by Vice Premier Zeng just a few minutes ago. Challenge for all of us now is the how, how can we accomplish this.


  Some of the very specific suggestions put forward by Vice Premier Zeng on pricing, on fees, on ensuring better information and accountability are key elements of our work that we will be discussing over the next few days. Reports we will hear, on environmental governance, on eco-compensation, on economic growth and environment, will all present valuable suggestions on how to accomplish the how to achieve that important what in terms of harmonious development.


  The high-level Task Force report will be discussed during this annual meeting points out the challenges faced by China, but also points out the great opportunities both for China and for the world. And this will be the opportunity of our 4th Phase of CCICED starting next year. Because very important environmental and development challenges faced by China will also be faced by other countries the future. And I believe the China Council is an excellent example of what we can achieve through international cooperation to be of benefit to the entire world. China’s stance is to the benefit of the advice and recommendations of the research of the China Council, but speaking on behalf of the international Council Members, I believe that our own countries will also benefit from this process.


  Vice Premier Zeng laid out some very useful specific suggestions for practical and in-depth research that we can be putting forward combined with management consulting approach to how this can be implemented, which we will leave for the great benefit for China as it roots in the implementation of the 11th Five-year Plan and the 12th Five-year Plan on environmental dimensions. But, it’s also a great opportunity to help create innovative policies and support the development of innovative technologies that will benefit us all. The better equipped China is to face its future, the better is the world for all of us.


  Again it’s my pleasure to welcome you all here, and I look forward to our discussions. Thank you very much.



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