Speakches You are here:Home>Events>Annual Meetings>2007>Speakches

Speech at the Opening Ceremony(Zeng Peiyan)

  Dear Members and guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends,
  Good afternoon.
  First, I’d like to share a piece of good news with you. While ...


Special Speech on Focusing on Pollution Reduction and Rehabilitating Rivers and Lakes(Zhou Shengxian)

  Respected Chair, Council Members, experts and distinguished guests,
  Premier Wen Jiabao met with international members of the Council yester...


Summary Speech at the Closing Ceremony(Zhou Shengxian)

  Members, experts and all guests:
  CCICED 2007 AGM is going to close after 3-day intense work. During the meeting, both Chinese and Internati...


Speech at the Opening Ceremony(Xie Zhenhua)

  Respected Vice Premier Zeng, Vice chairs, Members and experts,
  Good Afternoon!
  I am very happy to attend 2007 AGM of China Council for...


Speech at the Opening Ceremony(Klaus T?pfer)

  Vice Premier Zeng, Minister Zhou, dear friend Minister Xie, colleagues, friends, ladies & gentlemen, Members of the Council,
  First and fore...


Speech at the Opening Ceremony(B?rge Brende)

  Mr. Vice Premier, ladies and gentlemen,
  China Council is really a unique advisory mechanism. I feel and I think all the International Membe...


Keynote Speech

  Minister Zhou, esteemed Co-Chairs, Secretary General, dear colleagues and China Council,
  Minister Zhou invited me this morning to briefly r...


Climate Change and Challenges in China

  Your Excellency, Vice Premier, Your Excellency, Mr. Minister, distinguished Vice Chairpersons of CCICED, Members, ladies and gentlemen,
  It ...


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